Similar words: mixed method, standard, nonstandard, substandard, non-standard, standardise, standard form, standardize.
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1, And the standard method of teaching was sheer translation.
2, Writing of names A standard method of writing names should be adopted.
3, The standard method for barley has been specified.
4, Then hexachlorobiphenyl was quantitatively analyzed by internal standard method.
5, Clavier: Produce the standard method of computer error.
6, The universal program conforms to the National Standard Method for Fan Performance Test.
7, Temperature Controlled, satisfied with standard method of trans - fat of FDA.
8, Background: Biomechanical testing without humeral motion is a standard method for evaluating rotator cuff repair constructs.
9, Background Endomyocardial biopsy is the standard method of monitoring for rejection in recipients a cardiac transplant.
10, Why is the internal reference standard method employed for the assay of Vitamin E by GC?
11, Method Modified American NF-49 standard method with Serratia marcescens as the indicator bacteria was used to test the protective performance of the biosafety cabinets.
12, The standard method was used to test the colour of neutralized-bleached tallow, and the general method usually used by enterprise was to test the colour of direct bleached tallow.
13, All gliders and light aircraft have to recover satisfactorily with the standard method.
14, Aggregation results in mixed or compound Poisson distributions which can not be fitted by standard methods.
15, The washing of the northern blots was carried out according to standard methods.
16, Bound antibodies were detected with an alkaline phosphatase conjugate by standard methods.
17, If you are using packaged binaries,[ method.html] you should install as per the standard method for your distribution.
18, Myc point mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis using standard methods.
19, On the basis of the determination of ammoniacal nitrogen in compound fertilizers by the Type AA3 continuous flow analyzer a study is made to compare it with the national standard method.
20, The optimal experimental conditions were obtained by matrix element match, background coefficient and element interference coefficient correction as well as element internal standard method.
21, Sampling technology of malodor was completely described based on the existing national standard method.
22, Improvements considering torsional spring effect and boundary effect are developed to standard method.
23, A better method was presented by adopting an external standard method of high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of Anilazine pesticides residue in foods.
24, According to its different technical process, the technology was classified as standard method, additional cavity method(, melt returning method and moving core method.
25, Not only was this not true, but unguided spring release is a standard method of deployment for microsatellites used by many countries.
26, Caffeine, phenobarbital, aminopyrine and phenacetin in antipyretic analgesic were determined using two-point internal standard method.
27, Then we can combine the theory and method of semi logy, environment art and mold-block design to inductive standard method and formula of color design.
28, Conclusion This study offers foundations for keeping color stability and standard method of making denture resin base for prosthodontical technicians.
29, Ten main components were identified qualitatively, and methyl salicylate, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde were determined by GC internal standard method quantitatively.
30, The physicochemical index of Nicandra physaloides(L)Gaertn seed oil was analyzed by state standard method, and the fatty acid composition was also determined by GC.
More similar words: mixed method, standard, nonstandard, substandard, non-standard, standardise, standard form, standardize, gold standard, standardized, time standard, standardised, standard time, Open Standard, gold standards, cost standard, standardizing, standard stock, standard price, standard gauge, standard error, standard-bearer, statistical method, standard of life, silver standard, coding standard, double standard, de facto standard, standardization, standardisation.